Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our sincere appreciation goes out to the Leoti City Crew

As you know, a major winter storm hit just about all of the state of Kansas in the past couple of days. So far, no computer program has been invented to force the snow and ice not to land on streets, roads and highways. LOL!!! Therefore, it is up to State, County and City road departments to come forth and clean the mess that is left behind or else major traffic is paralyzed and comes to a stand still. Not good.

Last night, when the storm began moving out of Leoti, our City crew climbed into loaders, scrapers, tractors, etc and began cleaning major streets and intersections. While the rest of us slept away in our cozy beds, they continued to clean in the VERY cold of the night. They've done an exceptional job to keep life moving in and through Leoti.

When Dick Taylor was City Superintendant, he made sure that after the snow was piled up in the center of the main streets, that loaders came around, picked this ridge of snow up and hauled it off to somewhere where the moisture from the melted snow could be fully appreciated--somewhere where dirt could absorb the water. Otherwise, the snow would melt during the heat of the day and then when the cold of night took it's place, the moisture on the streets turned to ice. The ice then enabled cars to collide and people who were trying to cross the streets on foot, to fall.

There were a few other towns in Kansas that also removed the snow ridge from the main streets. In recent years when fuel prices soared, many of those City departments chose to leave the snow ridge because they could not afford the fuel that was required to move them.

Today, I received a phone call from a driver in downtown Leoti who told me that Aaron Matteson, new Leoti City Sperintendant, has re-implemented the practice of taking down the ridge of snow on Main Street and Broadway. THANK YOU, AARON!!! And, thanks to all of the crew members who have stayed up all night working so that Leoti's streets are not only passable but safer for the rest of us!!! Kudos!!!


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