Wednesday, October 13, 2010

God at Work???

Many times, many people believe that there are no more miracles being worked today. They think that the only miracles were those done during Biblical times. Wrong!!! I personally believe that miracles happen every day somewhere in this world of ours. One little miracle that I was centered in that did not affect many people, was when I survived a heart aneurisym that no one knew existed until surgery was done to repair other issues. The doctors, themselves, told me and my family that this was nothing short of a miracle.

Case in point. Months ago, a mine collapsed in Chili. Of course, it looked pretty grim. Soon, the only people who would not give up on the miners being found alive, were those who had great faith in our Lord. Just when it looked like no one had survived, the miners were able to let the people outside of the mine know that they were all alive and well.

Last month, I watched a report on TV that said that there was no way that rescuers could reach the miners until sometime around Christmas. Originally, the miners were surviving on packets of ketchup. Soon, food and drink were "piped" to them.

Yesterday, Christmas came early to the miners and the many family members and friends waiting for them outside! I heard an interesting comment today. Today's date is 10-13-10. Add them all together and you get a sum of 33. By the end of today, 33 miners will be delivered from the bowels of Earth. That is more than 6 weeks earlier than predicted just a month ago! I call that a MIRACLE and the man who who was brought in to lead the rescue operation a miracle worker who God has chosen to work His magic through his hands.

One man who was trapped in the mine was supposed to have retired at the end of the day when the collapse occured. I am sure that he is definitely ready for retirment today!

The "room" that the men have been living in now for so very long is large enough to allow them to run for exercise. The men elected a government for themselves for however long they were forced to live with one another in such cramped quarters. In a situation like this, you would either become closer than ever to one another or learn that you really cannot stand one another. Irregardless of that outcome, you will never be able to forget what each of you went through.

Waiting on the surface, are family and friends, reporters and people sent to the site to set up book and movie deals. I guess that before the first man exited their hole in the ground, an argument took place not over who would be the first to leave--but who would be the LAST to leave! It seems that quite a few of these men wanted to have the prestige of being the person who lived the longest time ever underground!

Anyway, I just wanted to pass on my outlook on this amazing situation... Thank You, God, for keeping all of these men safe and delivering them to the people who love them so very much!!!


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