Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Biking for Parkinson's Disease Victims

Everyday, too many people are diagnosed with Parkinson's. Everyday, people are forced to live with the effects that go along with the diagnosis.

Today, I stopped off at the Dairy King for a cold drink. I spent several minutes visiting with the ladies there. Just as I got back to the van, a bicyclist parked his bike with a canvas trailer attached to the back of it. It held various necessities that he needs as he travels down the highways. At the back of the trailer was a large poster telling passersby that he was out to raise money for people with Parkinson's Disease.

You know me, I find it difficult to keep my mouth shut at times. This was one of those times. By this time, the gentleman who was riding the bike, had purchaased some ice cream and was sitting at the table. I told him that I was extremely proud of him for conducting this service for so many people now and later. Soon, we were involved in a conversation about what brought him to this point in his life. I learned that this man, Steve Quam, was diagnosed with P.D. 2 1/2 years ago. It had come as quite a shock and I am certain that it was a bitter pill to swallow.

Eventually, he learned of a man named Davis Phinney who was also living with this life-changing disorder. Mr. Phinney stepped out into the sunlight so that he could make a difference in the lives of literally millions of people--both the people with the disease as well as the people who love them. This is one of his quotes:

"I needed to define my own cure. I started thinking about all of those bike race victories and realized that those victories could still occur. I just needed to adjust my perspective on where the finish lines were and what counted as a win."

I encourage you to go to www.davisphinneyfoundation.org and read so much more than I know about Mr. Phinney and his non-profit foundation.

Davis Phinney Foundation
4676 Broadway
Boulder, Colorado

Any donation, large or small, is so very much needed.

Mr. Quam gave me his own business card and I want to pass his information on to you as well.

Steve Quam
Bicycling Across the USA in support of Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson's
Want more information?
Jeanne Quam (his wife)
or Jeanne at PedalForParkinsons@charter.net

Mr. Quam told me that his "bicycle ride" began on June 27th at Anactotes, Washington which is just north of Seattle. His destination is his home in South Carolina. He travels anywhere from 18-78 miles per day. Mrs. Quam is expecting him at home in mid-November--just in time for Thanksgiving.

I asked him more about his over the country travel. He told me that he usually spends the nights in city or national parks along the way. The night before last, he was invited to spend the night in a church. He has spent several nights so far in the safety of churches. Sometimes, members of various churches invite him to spend the night in their homes. A couple of nights, he slept right next to the highway.

It was time for school to let out for the day so I bid him a good day and told him that I would be praying for him and his quest. Hopefully, you will do the same.



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