Friday, July 20, 2012

Moving Progress

As you know, we sold our old house at the end of June and have been either moving my mother to her new house or ourselves ever since.  We are hoping that with the assistance of several of our frends who have worked tirelessly to get us moved to the new house, our move will be completed this weekend.

On evenings when we are not moving, Stan has been laying our wooden floor in the house.  It has been very time-consuming.  He began his work in the dining room a week ago.  I am happy to say that he has completed the floor in the dining room and kitchen.  His work has now begun in the living room.  It is BEAUTIFUL!  I just love the cherry color.

The girls and I have packed boxes at the old house and unpacked them at the new house.  In the heat of the day, we've been painting the living room, kitchen, dining room, 2 bathrooms, all three bedrooms and foyer.  I still have not begun the hallways or the reconditoning of the cabinets in the ktchen or bathrooms.  I hope to do that startng next week.

Not eveythng has been wonderful.  On July 3rd, we purchased all new appliances for the kitchen.  Since we were still living at both houses, we had done less than 6 loads of dishes at the new house when the computer board on the dishwasher BROKE!  So far, the replacement parts have not been installed and I am not a happy girl because of this.  I think it is ridiculous that a brand new appliance that we paid good money for is no longer working...


Please continue to keep us in your prayers for a very smooth conclusion to all of this.


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