Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27th

This post-surgery time has really proven something to me--I'm not nearly as tough as I once thought I was.  LOL!  Surgery was done on Friday, February 17th.  This is now the 10th day.  Until Friday, I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever come out of the surgical effects.  Friday and Saturday were better but yesterday was by far the best day since surgery.  Thank You, Lord and everyone who have been praying for my family and I!!!  I managed to actually do laundry and a variety of other household cleaning chores that I have not been able to do for so long now.  Thank goodness, I have a husband and two daughters who are always so willing to help!

I know that my heart surgery was no picnic but I have learned that this surgery is much tougher than I had expected.  The important thing is that it is now 10 days behind me.  The first set of stitches from my neck were removed last week.  Healing was great.  Tomorrow morning, Stan will take me to Hays where my neurologist will turn the electricity on to my device.  We came to find that it was best to let the healing get finished before the transmission of electricity was allowed to begin.  The major pain, etc is now out of the way and now we can get the show on the road.  Stitches from my breast and underarm area will be removed after the electric charges have begun tomorrow.  Before long, this surgery will be doing just what it was supposed to do--stopping more of my seizures and promoting the total removal of my long-lasting depression.  God, I can hardly wait for that!!!

As for my seisures, I am happy to say that the last daytime seizure that I had was on the way to the operating room.  None since then.  How do I explain the multitude of them during the last couple of weeks before surgery?  The stress. I was nervous and excited about the operation.  Nothing from the surgery is responsible for this improvement yet.  God, your prayers and my loving family and friends are responsible for me getting this far.  Thank you!!!

Since surgery, I have discovered that many more people care about me than I had known before.  Because of that, the pain that I have felt from the loss of the two couples of friends we once were so close to, has begun to heal.  It still bothers me how they dropped their support for me when I probably needed it the most.  I may not ever understand why they felt that they could not continue to be our friends but, life goes on.

I am a bit nervous about the beginning of the electricity tomorrow but I know that this is what God had planned on for me all along.  I choose to follow Him and He will not lead me astray...


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