Friday, July 15, 2011

Changes at Tribune's Star Theatres

The news that I am about to post here will make a bunch of you very happy. I am very pleased with the theatre's decisions on behalf of the movie theatre. Starting on Friday, August 26th, the theatre will be showing movies THREE nights a week! Friday has been added to the line-up! Also, starting that evening, the new time change will take effect. From that point on, all evening movies will begin at 8:00 CST. That means that the time will no longer change twice a year. Speaking for people like us who will enjoy the new time, this will be great. Movie goers will get home 30 minutes earlier than they would when the movie began at 8:30 CST. The Star will continue to have matinees from time to time depending on the movie being shown.

Until the 26th of August, evening movies will only be shown on Saturdays and Sundays and will continue to be shown at 8:30 CST. Don't worry. I'll remind you when the 3-day weekend schedule begins.

Next week, I will be posting more information in regards to a new policy regarding "R" rated movies.

Our family would like to thank the Star Theatre Board for making these changes!


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