Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Grand Ol' Days of Summer

For several days in a row, most of Kansas has had 100 degree temperatures plus. It is really taking a toll on many of us especially those who suffer health problems. For the last couple of nights, our house has been miserable. Though the air conditioner is working, it is just not strong enough to adequately cool things down. No one is comfortable. Last night, my entire body felt as if it was throbbing. Even though we have the a.c. and fans, the only place that I could go that was semi-cool was on the floor. At least when I was lying on the floor, the loud sound coming from my mechanical heart valve eventually got quite a bit less noisy. I was able to go to sleep between 2 and 3:00 a.m.

It is not even 10:00 yet and already the temperature outside is 86. I listened to the weather forecast one day last night. At that time, the meteorologists were unable to see any days in the near future where our highs would be in the double digits. I know of no one who relishes that thought... Area counties are having their fairs for the rest of July. Looks like they are going to be very hot and miserable.

My recommendation for anyone who has health conditions is to stay indoors as much as absolutely possible. My cardiologists always remind me that people with heart conditions should never be outside when the temps are below 40 and over the 76 degree point. Otherwise, we stand an increased chance of heart attack, etc. Believe me, temperature really does make a difference. I usually feel pretty good in the morning but as soon as our a.c. has lost its fight against the mounting heat outdoors, I begin to wilt indoors. All of a sudden, I have no energy. In place of energy, I now suffer with severe headaches that medicines barely touch. So, I spend several hours every day just lying in bed trying to sleep. Because of the fact that I am not able to motivate much, I am writing less and less on here. I trust that Fall will arrive once again and our house's heat will return to a healthy level. Watch out then! I will then return to my computer and write many more posts. LOL!

Until then...


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