Saturday, January 15, 2011

Post Suggestion from 2 Previous Postings

Though I appreciate you asking me to gather information on this and any other issue, I respectfully decline. If any of us watch the TV news, we can see a multitude of information on this matter. I could not offer anything that we don't already have access to.

I want to let everyone who reads my blog know that I am colorblind for all practicality. The older that I get, I strive to be like my mother--able to see gray and to read between the lines. Not everything is black and white. That definitely includes racial issues.

And, furthermore, some of my very favorite people have come from other lands. In my 49 years on Earth, I have discovered that there are good and bad in every single race, in every single person though we sometimes have to dig pretty deep to find the good in some characters. LOL!!! No race is supreme over the others. If we believe that our skin color automatically makes us into better and stronger people, we are deluding ourselves and anyone else who might try to imitate us. For example, our children...

I believe that we all have our individual opinions on every single issue out there. No one is totally right on anything. I also believe that before we make any decision or assumption on any matter, we need to gather our own research so that we can make the most informed conclusions possible.

I appreciate you asking for me to gather information on this. I can only hope that you appreciate my feelings on the matter.

Thank you!!!


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