Saturday, February 19, 2011

I just Wanna Say One Little Thing

If you live in Wichita County, you are quite aware of the fact that the townspeople are quite a-buzz of discussing the fact that Dr. James Hardy has resigned his position as Superintendant of the Wichita County Schools. I've sat back and heard many things about his leaving. I've also given my opinions of various things being said. NOW, I find it difficult to keep my mouth closed anymore about the new school issue.

People are up in arms over the fact that Wichita County taxpayers are being left with paying higher taxes because of the new school. They are aggravated because they feel that "we did not need a new school". Folks, that cannot be any further from the truth!!! Dr. Hardy was quite aware of the fact that our grade school was in a bad state of disrepair BEFORE he signed his name on his contract. He simply put things into motion such as having contractors come in and see what, if anything, they could do to repair the many problems on the existing building. He also compiled a list of the charges that would be necessary to redo the building.

After that, he had companies give him many estimates on how much it would cost to build a new building. NOT ONCE did he try to scam the taxpayers. He laid everything out on the table for anyone interested to look through. As we all know, it didn't take long for the majority of the citizens to vote in favor of the buildings. All seemed fine and dandy for quite sometime. Many people commented on how impressed they were with the looks and structures of the new buildings and the remodelling of the old junior-senior high school so that students could once again have school there. The work is almost finished now on all of the projects. As we speak, the major job of opening up the new kitchen and lunchroom is underway this week. Next week, the cooks in the new kitchen will serve sack lunches to the students while the kitchen appliances, etc are put into place.

But now since Dr. Hardy has decided to move on, people are discussing that there was never anything wrong with the RBSES building. Folks, do yourself a favor once and for all. Go to the school and ask to tour it. Once you are taking your trip through the building, you'll be taken into vacated classrooms where school can not be held because of VERY large holes that exist in the floors. You can see straight down to the ground beneath. Ask a few teachers and students and see what they think about the whole deal. You'll find out that they are literally sick and tired of the abrupt temperature changes from hot to cold that most of the classrooms are putting up with each and every day. It has gotten to the point that the students might want to wear t-shirts with shorts with a heavy shirt and jeans over those plus have heavier sweaters and coats on hand to accomodate the student whenever the temperature changes several times a day in some cases. How can we expect the kids to properly learn when they do not have level temperatures in their classromms???

We need to face the facts that our school buildings have served us well for a good many years. But we have squeezed just about every last drop out of the RBSES building.

Thank you for listening to this--just another of my many opinions.


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