Monday, February 14, 2011

A Note for Wichita County Parents of Students

This note was sent home with RBSES students on Friday afternoon. Just in case you never received it, I am printing it here.

"Anytime you are not sure if we are having school due to weather, you can check on the TV on KAKE, online at, or, if you have a cellphone, you can use TextCaster. If you sign up, TextCaster will send you a text message to let you know if school is canceled or if we will be having a late start. To sign up for TextCaster, go to

Click on the WHITE BOX that says Indian Alerts

Follow the instructions.

When we have a 10:00 late start, classes start at 10:00 a.m. NOT 10:30. Students are allowed to go to the gym at 9:30 and they will be dismissed to their classrooms at 9:50. No breakfast or morning milk will be given on these days.

On days that we start late, morning preschool will ALWAYS be canceled. Afternoon preschool will start at regular time."


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