Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wichita County Band

I just have to tell you that Mr. Allen Brockmeier is doing an AMAZING job of conducting our RBSES and WCJSHS instramentalists! All that you have to do is attend any of the music programs in Wichita County or attend local ballgames and you will be able to hear unbelievable performances. Last night, the high school and junior high band students who were not involved in basketball, performed at the ballgame. Honestly, my hair stood up on the back of my neck as I listened to their music. It was just amazing...

The KMEA (Kansas Music Educators Association) Music Festival will be next Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Wichita. I expect to hear that Wichita County receives great honors there.

Wichita County can boast of all three of its music instructors! They are all just out-of-this-world! It is a priviledge to get to listen to their students at music programs. The vocal instructors are Mrs. Jayme Brown-Bishop at RBSES and Mrs. Tori Graff-Koehn at the WCJSHS.


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