Sunday, February 13, 2011

Student and School Awards

Parents of students who received Exemplary status on the 2009-2010 Kansas State Assessment Tests will be honored on Friday, February 18th, at the Leoti vs. Sublette basketball game in the high school gym. These awards will be given BEFORE the Girls Varsity game at approximately 6:00 p.m.

The school district received numerous Standards of Excellence Awards. These awards are given to the class and/or building when students earn a certain percentage in the highest category (Exemplary) and less than a certain percentage in the lowest category (Academic Warning). The percentage depends on the grade level. Standards of Excellence awards were earned in the following areas:

Math Grade 4

Reading Grades 3,4,6,7 and 11. RBSES and WCJSHS Buildings

Science Grade 7 and WCJSHS Building

You may have noticed that none of these awards were given to Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grades. That is because these tests are not given to these classes. Parents of students in the Wichita County School District should be very proud of their students who received the awards and should be very appreciative of the teachers, pricipals, etc who have taught our students so very well that they are able to acheive these high standard awards! Not all schools receive awards such as these!


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