Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Grape Salad Recipe. DELICIOUS!!!

A couple of years ago, my Aunt Janice Elder brought the yummiest salad yet to our Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's house. Since then, our family has made it several times. Given the fact that the holidays are just around the corner, I thought that you, too, might want to give it a try. It makes a BIG bowl full!

4 cups of seedless grapes (I recommend two different colors because it is pretty.)
1-8 oz. package of softened cream cheese
1 c. sour cream
1/2 c. regular sugar
1/2 to 1 c. cheddar cheese (shredded)

1. Remove all grapes from the stems. Wash and set aside the grapes to dry otherwise the cheese mixture doesn't stick to the grapes as well as it should.

2. Combine the cream cheese, sour cream and sugar. Mix well.

3. After your grapes have dried, slowly add the grapes to the cheese mixture. Personally, I just use my hands to do this. That way, no grapes are injured in the making of this salad. (Ha! Ha!)

4. After you have placed the completed salad into your serving bowl, top the salad with your shredded cheddar cheese. Chill and serve when cold.

Happy eating!!!


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