Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last Night's Storm

First of all, I need to apologize for the storm warning that I posted here yesterday. Large hail had been predicted so I wanted dyou all to be able to prepare for it. Fortunately, at least in Leoti, it never arrived. We did receive a great deal of sind and dirt in the very beginning. After that, we received some rain. I would like to be able to tell you that we had a significant amount but I cannot. Here at home, we didn't even have enough to measure. I would say that it definitely amount to less than .10.

Stan called me from Southern Scott County this morning. He had just noticed that an irrigated crop of wheat that had looked good just yesterday, appeared to have been mowed down by hail. The dry land crop right next to it, appeared to not have been damaged. Of course, it did not look good because of the drought. At least, it was still standing upright though.

Here in Leoti, many branches from small to EXTREMELY large were knocked down by the wind. Shortly after the storm, we saw a loader from the City that was hauling off a HUGE one. It had been severed during the storm and had landed on a street causing traffic to come to a stop.

If you have larger branches than you can handle on your own, call the folks at City Hall. Their phone number is 374.2341. They may be able to help rid it from your property.


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