Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life in Small Towns

We've already established the fact that there is basically no comparison between small towns such as Leoti and much larger towns and cities. I just wanted to post a couple of more pieces of proof.

Last week, a new home was moved into the country. The home was set up just off of the highway about 3 or 4 miles from Leoti. In cities and many other small towns, little notice would have been paid. That was not the case in Wichita County. As soon as people in town received the news, they loaded up their spouses, kids, the dog and cat and headed out to watch the entertainment. LOL! I'm not gonna lie to you. The girls and I picked up Mama and headed out to have our own look. People parked their vehicles just so that they could keep an eye or two or three or...on the situation. Work is continuing still today. Plenty of us are still making trips out to see what kind of progress has been made.

I have mentioned this before on here. You may have thought that I had found "peace" with it. I thought that I had too until this afternoon. I took Driver's Education in high school. At that time, we were told that it was illegal to make u-turns in the middle of a block. We were also told that we were not to be driving down the right side of the street or highway and then park on the left side. If it was against the rules in the latter 1970s, who legalized it now???


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