Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wichita County Storm

Shortly after 4:00 this afternoon, a massive dirt storm struck the town of Leoti. I just knew that we were dealing with a tornado. Looks like I was wrong. Thank God!!! Soon after the blizzard of dirt struck, lots and lots of rain began to fall. Off and on, we received some very small hail. I doubt if it was even as big as peas. The hail lasted for quite some time.

We just returned home about 5 minutes ago. The wind is still very strong but thanks to the rain that we received, there does not appear to be any dust in the air. The rainfall has ended temporarily, at least.

Leighlyn and I just checked our rainguage. We received 1.20 of moisture. Fantastic! Every drop was very necessary! Downtown, water has flooded clear across the streets. The road directly north of Dollar General is completely under water. The curbs appear to be non-existent. In other parts along Main and Broadway, the water just barely misses going over the edge onto the sidewalk.

We continue to be under a Thunderstorm Warning until 10:00 tonight. I don't know if the Tornado Watch is still in effect until 10:00 or not.


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