Monday, November 5, 2012

Special Event/Party?

Our oldest daughter will be celebrating her birthday on November 13th.  It is in the middle of the week so we have decided to have her party for her friends and family on Saturday, November 17th.  Every year, we try to do something a bit different and memorable for our daughters' special days.  In many towns and cities, there is an availability of bowling alleys, skating rinks, etc.  That is not the case in Leoti.  So I tried to figure out an alternative that everyone would enjoy.  Wella!  How about inviting everyone to a PRIVATE movie at a theatre???  And since my all-time fave has always been Tribune's Star Theatre, it only made since to contact the girls there!

I did just that.  As it turns out, this was the first time in maybe forever that anyone has made this request at the Star.  The manager of the theatre brought our question up at the theatre's board meeting.  It was decided that this is a great idea and so now, parties there will be allowed.  The board has instituted a few rules that must be followed in order to do this.  They are simple and quite understandable rules.  Stan and I are both very happy with them and so now we have scheduled the party!  In our case, Leighlyn is inviting all of her class.  It is a small class and the kids are all close to one another.  Leighlyn's uncles, aunts cousins and her classmate's families are also invited to attend.

Since this is for her birthday, we will be supplying cake and punch before the movie begins.  The people who choose to rent the theatre for the day, are allowed to choose whether or not to have the snack bar open.  If it is open, everything will be sold at regular price.

The renters are allowed to choose the movie to be shown.  If the movie is not already in stock, the renter will have to pay for its rental.

There is a $25.00 clean-up fee that is required before the movie.  If the renters clean the theatre well, the money will be returned to the renter.

The theatre will agree to have the movie any day or evening EXCEPT for Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings which is their normal evenings for public movies.

Leighlyn has already mentioned this to many of her friends.  They are excited about this!

After the movie, all of the girls are invited to come back to our house for homemade chicken and noodles (their request) and a slumber party.

Of course, renting the theatre is not just for birthdays.  Do it for anniversaries, holidays, family/school reunions, business events, school events, church get-togethers, clubs and organizations.  Just use your imagination!

Don't forget to call Catherine for more information or to get something scheduled!  Her phone number is 620.927.0417.


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