Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I awakened this morning to the sound of a vehicle across the street that was stuck in the mud. Heavenly! We have been so very dry for so very long. Practically all day yesterday, we watched the snow pile up outside. It came down BEAUTIFULLY (no wind) and was just chock full of the much needed moisture that we have needed for so very long. Much of the snow that fell melted as soon as it touched the warm ground. I heard that an estimated 4-5" of snow actually dropped from Heaven but by sundown, very little which was located in sheltered areas, remained visible. When we went to do our office cleaning, I was stunned to see how much mud was tracked indoors. That is fine. That's what vacuums and brooms are for! We needed the moisture involved to make mud!

Thank You, Lord, for sending each and every flake and drop to us!!!


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