Sunday, October 10, 2010

Niswongers Host Great Time For All in Attendance

Last night, John, Leslie and Dylan Niswonger provided a wonderful evening for all in attendance at their corn maze. The event began at 5:00 and did not end until late into the night. People came from far and wide to partake in the adventures that laid ahead of them in the corn field. They also provided all with apple cider and cookies.

Originally, Stan and I planned on taking the girls to the Niswongers' farm. We ended up not being able to go ourselves as our projects were not yet complete. He was working on our new dog run and I was painting the exterior of our home. Fortunately, Uncle Leif (Christensen) and Lars invited them to go with them. Stan and I still have plenty of the same work to do today. If you're bored, come on over! We'll put you to work! LOL!!!

A BIG thank-you needs to be given to the Niswongers for all that they do for the youth of Wichita County!!!


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