Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Our family toured Fort Larned, Ks in early September.  We thoroughly enjoyed it!  We were given a copy of THE PLAINS edition of November 25th of 1865.  I found some interesting things to mention here that I thought that you might enjoy as well.


The Wives'

God bless the wives.
They fill our hives with little bees and honey;
They ease life's shocks.
They mend our socks,
But----don't they spend the money?

When we are sick,
They heal us quick--
That is, if they should love us:
If not, we die,
And yet they cry,
And place tombstones above us.

Of roguish girls,
With sunny curls, We may in fancy dream:
But wives--true wives--
Throughout our lives,
Are everything they seem.
(Aught Married People to Sleep Together?)

Hall's Journal of Health, which claims to be the highest authority in medical science, has taken a stand AGAINST married people sleeping together, but thinks they had better sleep in adjoining rooms.  It says that kings and queens do not sleep together, and why should other people?  Think of seperating a newly married couple on a cold winter's night, because Hall's Journal of Health says so.  You can go to grass, Mr. Hall.
There is no place like home--the difficulty is getting there...

At this office, a half dozen young ladies to learn the printing business.  The foreman of this office will render all the assistance necessary.  None but GOOD LOOKING ONES need apply.
It will be a source of much gratification to the friends of the person who was said to be dead, yet walking around to save funeral expenses, to know that he is much better.
The mail from the States arrives here but once a week.  If not interrupted by bands of hostile Indians, and in consideration thereof, the soldiers and officers at this point think their friends and relatives at home should write oftener, especially as they cannot be with them on Christmas or New Years, and need something to keep them cheerful and contended on those days.
A large wagon train of lumber passed here this week, destined for Aubery crossing.  It is needed there very the soldiers have no barracks except "holes in the ground."
The prairies in this vicinity have been burning quite extensively for the past two weeks.  The mischievous rascals who set them on fire cannot, as yet, be detected.  It is to be regretted that their time cannot be employed to better advantage.

When I have more time, I will post some more goodies on the blog.


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