Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday afternoon's update on Lori

More test results are in. We now know that Lori suffers from the same kidney disease as her son, Lars. Other than that, I don't know much more about the disease other than at times, blood practically pours into the kidneys causing great alarm. Medication is required at that time. Lori will now be seeing the same Nephrologist as Lars sees in Kansas City. I THINK that Lars' next appointment there is in August. Hopefully, Lori will be able to be seen at the same time.

The doctors have decided to release Lori from the hospital today. Yay!!! As of right now, 1:30 p.m., they have not exited the hospital as of yet. They will call me when they are on the road back home. I ASSUME that they will have to stop at a motel on their way home. It is a long trip even for people feeling totally well. For an ill person, it would be much worse.

The pain continues to be a problem so Lori will be sent home on pain medication. Once here, an appointment will be made with Kathy in Tribune. Kathy will then be spearheading what needs to be done next.

Before I got the call a few minutes ago, someone had asked if delivering food to their family once they were home would be a good idea or not. The answer is YES! They would love that very much!!! Lori will continue to have pain for awhile anyway. She is also very weak. Leif is in need of returning to work as soon as possible. He hates that he has not been here to do his regular work as well as helping to put the carnival rides, etc together. We are all so thankful that Mark Jones is his employer!!! Mark is ALWAYS so very good to Leif and his family as well as his other employees!!!

If you are interested in supplying food to their family, please call me at 375-4584. I will then let you know for sure when they will be home.

Thank you SOOO very, VERY much for all of your wonderful prayers and support throughout our time of great need!!!!

God answers our prayers!!! Miracles do happen even today!!!


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