Saturday, July 10, 2010

Update on Lori--Saturday Evening

Excuse me, please, for not updating my blog on Lori since yesterday. I have been trying to keep myself busy right now so I do not unnecessarily worry.

Unfortunately, the improvement that Lori had yesterday has changed. She is not doing well today. The pain is still terrible. It is so bad that she continues to need Morphine. At times, she makes no sense when talking. I am sure that the large doses of pain medication is causing that.

The good news is that she was able to take a shower this morning. It was her first since last Tuesday. She told Mama that the shower was WONDERFUL. After that, the pain increased again. The medicine makes her drift in and out often. At least we know that the pain has decreased enough that she is able to rest. Her blood sugar levels are increasing which is normal for diabetics whenever an infection is present in the body.

None of the doctors know what is wrong yet. More tests are done often but so far, the culprit has managed to hide from the doctors.

Her daughters went to their homes on Thursday. Leif, Mama and Lars will remain at the hospital with her until she is much better and can return home. Leif stays in the same room with Lori. At night, Mama and Lars go back to the motel.

A couple of people have sent plants and another set of people sent a lovely flower arrangement. Lori and her family enjoy all of them so very much!!!

Lori really needs your prayers!!!


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