Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Poem That Pretty Much Describes Our Daughter, Leighlyn

Yesterday, November 13th, was our daughter, Leighlyn's 13th birthday. WOW!!! Where have those years gone??? I came across this poem that speaks so very much of Leighlyn...

You are beautiful, intelligent,
generous, helpful and kind--
a shining star in our eyes.
Your sparking personality
lights up a room,
and when you are near,
spirits are lifted.
It is said that we all need a little joy
every day of our lives.
Well, with the gift of you,
I have a lot of joy every single minute.
With you, I have a beautiful,
special daughter who brings so many blessings
to my heart.

Jacqueline Schiff

Lord, thank You so VERY much for sending our dear Leighlyn to us!!!


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